[fancyheading heading=”h4″]Progress Chart Circle[/fancyheading]
[demo_space height=”10px”]
[progress title=”Custom Icon” percent=”60″ color=”#16a085″ trackcolor=”#dcfaf4″ size=”150″ linewidth=”7″][icons style=”normal” size=”32px” icon=”fa-thumbs-up”][/progress]
[progress title=”Percentage” percent=”75″ color=”#d35400″ trackcolor=”#ffe4d3″ size=”150″ linewidth=”7″]75%[/progress]
[progress title=”Custom Text” percent=”80″ color=”#2980b9″ trackcolor=”#d9ebf7″ size=”150″ linewidth=”7″]Custom Text[/progress]
[progress title=”Ratings” percent=”80″ color=”#2c3e50″ trackcolor=”#e1e8ef” size=”150″ linewidth=”7″]8/10[/progress]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”60px 0″ bordercolor=”#d6d6d6″]
[fancyheading heading=”h4″]Progress Chart Circle Any Size, Any Color and Any Thickness.[/fancyheading]
[demo_space height=”10px”]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas hendrerit ornare viverra. Nunc gravida placerat sapien, vitae egestas est malesuada vitae. Sed quis eleifend velit. Fusce adipiscing urna sed elementum consectetur. Sed non ante mauris. Quisque adipiscing orci sit amet velit semper aliquet. Pellentesque aliquam enim ligula, eget mollis mi blandit non. Ut ut purus lacinia nibh dapibus iaculis.
Vivamus non lacus vel tellus viverra gravida. Aenean condimentum ligula id justo lacinia dignissim. Donec tincidunt vel diam quis luctus. Nunc ullamcorper tortor et tortor euismod, hendrerit laoreet metus venenatis. Praesent iaculis mauris ante, non fermentum dui tempor vitae. Mauris bibendum nisl in urna laoreet tincidunt. Nulla auctor at risus id varius. Cras sollicitudin nisi eu metus interdum, id sollicitudin metus tempor. Curabitur eget elit auctor, rutrum nibh non, malesuada dui.
[progress title=”Chart With Percentage” percent=”75″ color=”#d35400″ trackcolor=”#ffe4d3″ size=”250″ linewidth=”15″]75%[/progress]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”60px 0 40px 0″]
Get The Code:
[demo_space height=”20px”]
[progress title="Chart With Custom Icon" percent="60" color="#16a085" trackcolor="#dcfaf4" size="200" linewidth="7"][icons style="normal" size="32px" icon="icon-thumbs-up"][/progress]
[progress title="Chart With Percentage" percent="75" color="#d35400" trackcolor="#ffe4d3" size="200" linewidth="7"]75%[/progress]
[progress title="Chart With Custom Text" percent="80" color="#2980b9" trackcolor="#d9ebf7" size="200" linewidth="7"]Custom Text[/progress]
[progress title="Chart With “out of 10″ rating" percent="95" color="#2c3e50" trackcolor="#e1e8ef" size="200" linewidth="7"]8/10[/progress]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px 0 40px 0″]
Customization Options and Features:
[demo_space height=”20px”]
[list style=”square” color=”black”]
- Title: Title text for outside the circle.
- Percent: Type the percentage for circle.
- Bar Color: Use color for the circle bar.
- Track Color: Use color for the circle track bar.
- Size: Enter size of the circle.
- Thickness: Enter size for thickness of the circle.
- Content: Enter text to display in the circle.
[divider style=”thin” margin=”60px 0″ bordercolor=”#d6d6d6″]
[fancyheading heading=”h4″]Progress Bar[/fancyheading]
[demo_space height=”10px”]
[progressbar progress=”85″ color=”#16a085″ title=”Photoshop” bgcolor=”#dcfaf4″]
[progressbar progress=”65″ color=”#16a085″ title=”Illustration” bgcolor=”#dcfaf4″]
[progressbar progress=”95″ color=”#16a085″ title=”HTML5″ bgcolor=”#dcfaf4″]
[progressbar progress=”90″ color=”#16a085″ title=”WordPress” bgcolor=”#dcfaf4″]
[progressbar progress=”70″ color=”#16a085″ title=”After Effects” bgcolor=”#dcfaf4″]
[progressbar progress=”85″ color=”#16a085″ title=”Javascript” bgcolor=”#dcfaf4″]
[progressbar progress=”95″ color=”#16a085″ title=”jQuery” bgcolor=”#dcfaf4″]
[demo_space height=”30px”]
[fancyheading heading=”h4″]Progress Bar With Different Colors[/fancyheading]
[demo_space height=”20px”]
[progressbar progress=”85″ color=”#16a085″ title=”Photoshop” bgcolor=”#dcfaf4″]
[progressbar progress=”65″ color=”#27ae60″ title=”Illustration” bgcolor=”#dcf7e8″]
[progressbar progress=”95″ color=”#2980b9″ title=”HTML5″ bgcolor=”#d9ebf7″]
[progressbar progress=”90″ color=”#8e44ad” title=”WordPress” bgcolor=”#ebdcf1″]
[progressbar progress=”70″ color=”#2c3e50″ title=”After Effects” bgcolor=”#e1e8ef”]
[progressbar progress=”85″ color=”#f39c12″ title=”Javascript” bgcolor=”#fdedd4″]
[progressbar progress=”95″ color=”#c0392b” title=”jQuery” bgcolor=”#f8e3e1″]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”60px 0 40px 0″]
Get The Code:
[demo_space height=”20px”]
[progressbar progress="85" color="#16a085" title="Photoshop" bgcolor="#dcfaf4"]
[divider style=”thin” margin=”40px 0 40px 0″]
Customization Options and Features:
[demo_space height=”20px”]
[list style=”square” color=”black”]
- Title: Title text for progress bar.
- Percent: Type the percentage for progress.
- Bar Color: Use color for the progress bar.
- Track Color: Use color for the progress track bar.
[demo_space height=”40px”]